Copilot Feature: José António Uva

Photo coutesy of Bom Dia Europa
The Co-Pilot Spotlight navigates into the minds and experiences of travel professionals and professional travelers. Join us in the cockpit with José António Uva, CEO at Barrocal.
OTPYM: Where was the first place you ever traveled?
Zermatt, Switzerland.
Where is the last place you visited?
Cap Ferret, France.
Where is next for you? Why?
Paris, lived there 20 years ago and it’s always nice to go back to a place you once called home.
Why do you choose to travel?
The best is traveling with my kids – boys, 1 and 4 years old, it is such a treat to discover things with them.
How has travel helped to define your world view?
I do think we are where we travel and whom we meet.
Where is the favourite place you’ve traveled and why?
Colombia in 2006 was a special trip both inland and on the coast, it was incredibly authentic, rich and edgy.
When on your travels have you felt the most out of your comfort zone?
India, it took me a while to adapt and I’m not sure I ever did.
Who is the most interesting person you have ever met while traveling and why?
The cooks whom you get to meet when travelling are always the best in letting you know about a place.
What is the most adventurous food you have tried while on the road?
Eating a pig that I slaughtered.
What’s the next trend in travel?
Camping with good service is a very interesting ideia
Any funny anecdotes from the road?
Loosing your passport while traveling, a recurring theme for me.